Monday, August 17, 2009

homemade remedies for acne

There are some rich homemade remedies acne remedies
Garlic is measured to be the best home remedy for blackheads. You only need to rub with raw garlic some times a day. It will quickly resolve the skin of pimples, spots, boils and blemishes.
You should also consider eating 3 seeds of raw garlic everyday as this purifies your blood stream.

One of the quickest remedies that you can make at home is mixing equal quantities of lemon juice and rose water to prepare a solution. Apply this solution on the acne affected areas, leave it for about 30 minutes, and then clean it using warm water. This is a simple but an effective remedy that really works to remove clogged up pores.

Another one of the acne remedies is the orange peel that you can obtain from fresh oranges. After pounding the orange peels with the help of a piece of stone and having added water whilst pounding you will notice that it will immediately cure you of your pimples after its application. The third acne remedy that you can try at home is to use lemon juice which also has been proven to be effective in removing acne as well as reducing pimples.

you can try is the honey cinnamon mask, which is easy to make and apply. All you'll need is some honey and a bit of cinnamon powder. Mix the cinnamon powder into the honey until it forms a nice think paste. Before you go to bed at night, apply the past to your face, and then leave it on all night long. When you wake up in the morning, wash it off with warm water, and it will help to get rid of the acne problem you're dealing with.

Honey is a popular favourite to use at home - usually just to pep up the skin and give it a good healthy glow. Ideally, you would apply a liberal layer of honey on your cleansed face and wash it off once it has dried. You can add a few drops of lemon to it if you wish.

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